Collection for the Church in Latin America: Jan 25/26 We will take up the Collection for the Church in Latin America. For many in Latin America and the Caribbean, a rising secular culture, difficult rural terrain, and a shortage of ministers all present obstacles to practicing the faith. Your support for the collection provides lay leadership training, catechesis, priestly and religious formation, and other programs to share our Catholic faith with those who long to hear the Good News of Christ. To learn more about how your gifts make a difference, visit
Realizaremos la Colecta para la Iglesia en América Latina. Para muchos en América Latina y el Caribe, una creciente cultura secular, terrenos rurales difíciles y una escasez de ministros todos son obstáculos para practicar la fe. Su apoyo a la colecta proporciona capacitación para el liderazgo laico, la catequesis, la formación para sacerdotes y religiosos y otros programas para compartir nuestra fe católica con aquellos que anhelan escuchar la Buena Nueva de Cristo. Para informarse más sobre cómo sus donativos hacen una diferencia, visiten
Contribution Acknowledgements for tax season Acknowledgements for parishioners using the budget envelopes will be available for pick-up from the rectory after January 15. These totals record only what was given in the envelopes and do not include your pledges and donations to the Catholic Charity Appeal. For those using Online Giving: Go to your account on line and hit View My Giving History & Tax Information and print your tax info.
THE FIRST OFFERING also known as the Initial Offering. With your January/February budget envelopes there is a Special envelope called “First Offering” with a suggested amount of $10. For those who giveONLINE you can login and use the 'INITIAL Offering button' for this contribution (it helps defray online giving costs.) These funds help defray the cost of printing the budget envelopes, mailing and processing costs. These can be put in the collection basket anytime with your weekly or monthly parish offering. We thank you for your contributions.
Parish Online Giving and other special items...
You can use our online system for weekly contributions, schedule contributions, or give to SPECIAL collections.
This convenient system does not require you to contact your bank to sign up or make changes.
The link for our online giving web site is below... you can use the link below to make your contribution or sign-up.
2025 Catholic Charity Appeal Campagaña de caridad católica de la Diócesis de Providence 2025
You can donate to the CCA for 2024 to support dozens of programs and ministries that help the poor and the vulnerable, the sick and the elderly, children and families as well as people with disabilities. From food, shelter and home heating assistance, to Catholic education, healthcare, counseling and so much more.